Anonymous crime reporting

Please use for local area

We do not monitor or record any of your originating information. You have the choice to add your email address if you wish but this is then available to police if you do. Scroll down until you reach the ‘send now’ button to send

See our Anonymous reporting policy

or use this code and put onto your phone for easy use when you are out and about.

The scope of the service

  1. Area covered
    a. London Borough of Tower Hamlets or surrounding area
  2. Method of service
    a. A form is used to collect data from the informant. The form requests the following
    i. Use the link to upload 3pics / files
    ii. Create a unique reference number, which you must note in a safe place
    iii. Email, if you provide your email this will be passed onto the police, you do not have
    to provide it
    iv. State the date
    v. State the time
    vi. State street, postcode (very important)
    vii. Up-load up to three files
    viii. Any further comments
    ix. Send
  3. Data processing
    a. Data to be kept securely
    b. If you provide your email address you will not be put on any mailing list with this.
    c. Data Protection license from IOS regulated
    d. Data to be transferred to Met Police or other relevant police force or government
    investigative service only including the reference
    e. The data will not be shared with any other service
    f. The data will be kept no longer by us than 10 years
  4. Further action
    a. If any reward will be given by the Met Police or anybody else because your information led
    to prosecution, we will publish the reference number and the amount available on our
    b. The person who created the reference will have to contact us using either
    i. using our form
    ii. Email
  5. Reward
    a. Rewards will be paid at 70% to the informant, 30% retained for charity purposes of the
    TH CH. No payment to informants will be higher than £50.000
    b. Should more than one person come forward to claim the reward, we’ll ask for distinguishing
    evidence to link the claim to the information provided.
  6. Guarantee
    The identity of the informant will not be revealed by us to any other party. Disclosure of contact
    details will only be needed for the purpose of paying a reward if applicable. We do not keep any
    data on the informing party, other than provided with the form.
    Tower Hamlets Crime Watch, Version 1, Dec 2023, revision due in May 2025
    Anonymous Crime Reporting policy
  7. Legal
    No legal disputes about payment will be entered into, it is up to the informant to provide
    information and distinguished reference and keep this safe.
    Any reports received from outside of Tower Hamlets will be forwarded to the relevant Police Force area
    ii There is no counter service at this address. Personal contact by appointment only. You can make contact using our form or make an appointment.