Fire Safety

I am writing to inform you that the London Fire Brigade has launched a new Home Fire Safety Checker aimed at offering residents an online fire risk assessment in their individual homes to complement our free Home Fire Safety Visit programme.

This innovative online tool allows residents to receive tailored fire safety advice based on the type of property they live in, as well as behaviours commonly associated with fire risk. The Checker guides them around their home to help them identify any potential fire risks and hazards, then provides advice as to how they can take steps to reduce those risks.  The assessment could be carried out on their behalf by a carer or family member, if appropriate.

Though we continue to offer free in-person Home Fire Safety Visits (, we want to focus these visits on the most vulnerable in our communities; the Online Checker is an easy-to-use tool for everyone that will signpost them towards booking an in-person visit if any significant risks are raised.

Please share the Home Fire Safety Checker, found on our website at with your residents. If you would like more information on Home Fire Safety or the Checker, please contact us at